Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I think The Elder Scrolls need to change.

There's plenty of aspects to The Elder Scrolls series that is oft criticized and rightly so.  For a series that is constantly biting off more than it can chew and seemingly never bothering with the chewing part (in this analogy 'chewing' equates to game testing/QA), it's certainly not above being called out for falling into the obvious pitfalls it seems so willing to lung itself into seemingly propelled entirely on hubris (in this analogy, 'pitfalls' are the various bugs/underwhelming mechanics). Still there's something to be said for that hubris isn't there?  And so despite itself, the series is venerated I suspect largely because of that hubris.  But I think this obvious narrative critics of the games have created overshadows a greater underlying issue that plagues the series and by proxy, all the Bethesda games on which this template is based and that is a lack of cohesive design.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Apparently, Korra needs to lighten up.

Preface: I just found this amusing and decided to talk about it.

Original Post: September '12
So whilst perusing der internets, I discovered that someone has reposted one of my images in a thread of theirs…

Where is The Line?

Preface: This was originally split into a three parts, but was intended to connect into one big discussion cohesively, so I won't note the splits this time.  My 'text' posts were petering off at this point to smaller blurb-ish things, indicating I was getting a better handle on how tumblr worked.  T'was around this point I realized I'd need to start thinking of setting up shop somewhere else for these blog-like posts.

Original Post: August '12
Yeah, you know what this is about.  I won’t give plot spoilers, but there will be…thematic spoilers I guess?

Would these have ‘fixed’ Korra?

Preface: I didn't dive into 'what I would have done' territory with Korra as much as I'd assumed when I made this.

Original Post: August '12

Just spitballing some ideas on how Korra could have not sucked as much as it did:

Doom3 is a better videogame than Half Life 2

Preface: I think there's an overall problem with the way people view videogames and what their purpose...their function is.  This was my attempt at kinda of exposing this issue.

Original Post: July '12

Steam shows that I’ve played Half Life 2 approximately 19 hours and I’ve played Doom3 approximately 6.  What it isn’t aware of is how much I played the game prior to…ahem…buying it.  Yeah, yeah, I know!  What I can I tell you?  It was college and I was broke and shameless.  Point being is that added all up, I’d probably played Doom3 more than HL2 and while I remember both games quite fondly, what I don’t remember is Doom3 frustrating me the same way HL2 did and I think the reason why is because when all’s said and done, it’s a better videogame…for two specific reasons:

My Little Pony: G1 is hardcore!

Preface: My Little Pony.  I'm a fan of FiM, but I never watched the original as a kid.  Might give it a go actually.  My DBZ comparison is actually pretty apt when you watch the pilot episode I talk about.  Near the end of it, shit gets raw son!

Original Post: July '12

Okay, so it’s balls hot right now in the Central Valley and I’m doing whatever I can to forget the fact that I can’t afford to use the AC.  On a whim, I decided to check out the original My Little Pony pilot Rescue at Midnight Castle.

Skyrim: The Gauntlet and Damn Dwarven Dungeons

Preface: Skyrim's a very 'make your own fun' kind of game.  Like a prettier but significantly more restrictive Minecraft.  I'd never played a Bethesda Open World RPG before and while a lot of my misgivings towards their designs have ringed true, it's still turned out to be a fun way to pass the time.

Original Post: July '12

So let me tell you how my day has been:

So…Korra. Yeah… :(

Preface: So...yeah.  This show as a whole was a pretty damn big letdown for me, but I kept my points on it relatively brief since most everyone else seemed to like it.  Pointing out the show's flaws actually got me kicked out of a forum.

Original Post: June '12

No sir, I don’t like it.

The Gays and Osama Bin Laden are why My Little Pony is so popular!

Preface: Yeah, this is pretty blatant hipster-douchery on my part.  Oooh I'll make a shocking title, then subvert expectations with a thoughtful analysis of the history of our modern culture!  I'm so clever!  I still think the actual points are valid, though admittedly, I didn't give the internet in general nearly enough dues.

Original Post: June '12

I shall e’splain…

Resident Evil rant this time.

 Preface: Not much to say this time.  I just don't think RE4 deserves as much praise as it gets.

This all came round when I happened upon a youtube video by Errant Signal’s Chris ‘Campster’ Franklin.  In it, he - along with HyperBit Hero (who’s real name I don’t know) - discuss the various issues that plagued RE5, from it’s conflicted design, awkward gamplay and of course the race thing.  They talked about how the game was so far removed from the “earlier games of the series”.  It was a real frustrating video for me to watch, not because I didn’t agree with them, but because they kept tap dancing around a simple fact.

What have I been up to…

Preface: This was part of a personal project I've been working on and off for the past decade.  I figured posting about it would be good way to keep motivated.  It didn't work. :P

Original Post: May '12 

I mentioned a while back that was a professional animator, using the traditional definition of professional to mean, “I got paid to do it.”.  But I don’t know if I mentioned that said animation was computer animation, i.e. not drawn by hand.  If ya ever ventured to my website, you might have a better idea of what I do.  Well, I’m currently developing a person project of mine which involves original characters I’ve created.

I’m gonna talk about The Last Airbender now. Yes, THAT Last Airbender.

Preface: I had a few things I didn't like about M. Night's Last Airbender, much like everyone who saw it.  However, there were also a few things I didn't like about about the reasons people were giving that it was bad and I felt was off-base.  Since that had yet to be ranted about in the internet ad-nauseam, I'd figure it was worth bringing to the forefront.

Original Post: March '12

I was just on a forum where someone was talking about how M. Night claiming the ridiculous manner in which the movie implemented its bending - supposedly the movements were the character building up enough chi to release the elemental attacks which is why nothing ever happens until they’re last pose - was him trying to cover up for his laziness.

I disagree.

Doosex and Doosex: Hoomun Rehvohlooshun

Preface: Another two parter revolving around videogames, the only other topic I tend to get word-ish about outside of animation.
Original Post: April '12

So yeah, I’m a gamer.


I wasn't sure how to deal with the transfer of these old posts, but I figure a lil blurb as context might help in the transition.  This was my first honest-to-blog rant made just as Korra was about to air.  It's in three parts that were responses to...uh...responses, so I'll plow 'em all in one post for ease of use, but it's a bit of a read.  While I turned to be sort of off-base, it turns out there were still plenty of issues to be had from the series that came to be.  More on that later...

Original Post: March '12

So let’s talk about Korra.